然而,眾所皆知的,文物的衰敗是自然的現象,要如何妥善保存這些重要的文化遺產,讓後 代子孫得以親眼目睹呢?在博物館與科技發展過程中,誕生了文物保存維護科技這門學問。藉此 我們不僅希望「曾經擁有」,更想要「天長地久」。
本特展將論述博物館演進發展的歷史與文物維護保存科技之間的關係,隨著博物館從「私人 寶庫」轉變成「公眾歷史的收藏」,其性質的改變讓人們了解「文物」不再是私有欣賞的專權, 更是教育公眾的文化事業。要達到教育的目的,就必須將文物予以維護、保存與展示。現在,我 們也藉由當代科技的進步,得以更加妥善地保管祖先交付的文化遺產,並讓其傳之久遠。

he cultural object is the crystallize of mankind's intelligence, which witness the important process of history development .However, Deterioration is a continuous, natural process. It can, however, be slowed; indeed, science has suggested ways in which
the natural lifespan of most museum objects can be extended. Preservation technology therefore is a process that seeks to prevent, reduce or mitigate the effect of all the factors that, every day, threaten an object's continued survival. It requires an all-embracing approach - a constant assessment of how collections are stored, handled, displayed and maintained etc..
The NMP hopes and expects that this exhibition will serve to clarify a large number of the issues that pertain to the subject of the collections and will result in a generally accepted understanding of the factors to be considered in the preservation science and technology of museum collections.